The People’s Republic of China has applied for the loan from the Agence Française de Développement toward the cost of Compound Ecological Project in Hedong New Area, Anzhou District, Mianyang City and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for AZ-W2: Construction of a new water plant project.
Bid Opening Ceremony of Compound Ecological Project in Hedong New Area, Anzhou District, Mianyang City AZ-W2: Construction of a new water plant project (Bid No.: ****-****CIC2S014) was held on 10:30 a.m. January 24, 2025, the Bid Evaluation was conducted after the bid opening immediately. The evaluation report was approved by AFD on February 19, 2025, and the evaluation results are now publicly announced as follows:
I. Successful candidates
The following candidates have been evaluated to be proposed the successful candidates for this project:
Guangzhou Second Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd, is ranked No. 1. The bid price is the amount of CNY 40,089,071.67 (excluding taxes), taxes is the amount of CNY 3,608,016.45.
China Construction Underground Space, is ranked No. 2. The bid price is the amount of CNY 43,858,621.99 (excluding taxes), taxes is the amount of CNY 3,621,354.11.
II. Rejected bidder
Nuclear Industry East Construction Engineering Group Co.,Ltd: Failure to separately list the taxes for each item in the bill of quantities according to the content of the first Q&A.
Sichuan Qiankun Construction Group Co.,Ltd: Failure to separately list the taxes for each item in the bill of quantities according to the content of the first Q&A.
Guangdong Yuantian Engineering Co.,Ltd: Failure to separately list the taxes for each item in the bill of quantities according to the content of the first Q&A.
Yunnan Jielian Municipal Engineering Co.,Ltd: Failure to separately list the taxes for each item in the bill of quantities according to the content of the first Q&A
Guangxi Construction Engineering Group Fourth Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd: The quantity of some items is inconsistent with the quantity of items listed in the bill of quantities.
Henan Shengding Construction Group Co.,Ltd: Failure to separately list the taxes for each item in the bill of quantities according to the content of the first Q&A.
Sichuan Huayuan Construction Group Co., Ltd: The provided clarification materials cannot fully prove the reasonableness of the low price quoted.
Beijing Municipal Construction Group Co.,Ltd: Failure to provide the required color scanned copies of the qualification document and the license according to the Clause 2.1.6 Qualification requirements of Section III - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, “Documentation Required: Color scanned copies of the required qualification document and the license”.
III. Evaluation Result
The BEC recommends awarding the contract to the 1st ranked candidate --- Guangzhou Second Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd, with a bid price of CNY 40,089,071.67 (excluding taxes) and taxes of CNY 3,608,016.45.
三 、公示期(含法国开发署规定的停顿期)
III. Publicity period (including the Standstill Period stipulated by AFD)
February 20, 2025—March 6, 2025
IV. Procedure for complaint
According to the complaint procedures stipulated in the bidding documents.
February 19, 2025
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